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satnam singh (job less)     20 August 2010

executive megistrate Affidavite ( is it valid???)

i had made one affidavite in office of Executive magistrate. having my photograph behind it in front of camera with My I.D card and stamped and signed by Executive Magistrate..   matter written on affidavite is threats given by in-laws for false criminal cases and physical attack on me.   

after making this affidavite i did't got time to give this to SSP or any other Department and it is in my file as it is.

after passing 8 month of  making this affidavite my wife filed false 498a , 406, 120b (against my parents).now my  intrim bail is under process in high court.

my question is:

question 1:    can i use it now or later  in court  is it in my favour / against????  can it behave like informatory document.


i was filed sec 9 HMA in 2007 and withdraw in 2009 and filed divorce and divorce case withdraw  becouse my wife came back . but after withdraw divorce case my in-laws and wife again start giving threats. so i made above affidavite.  

My wife blame i have taken her jewally and other assests.but in  9 HMA i clearly mentioned that she went her home with all her jewallary.

question 2:   Now can sec9 case help me now.




 2 Replies

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     21 August 2010

Refer to section 3 of the Oaths act 1969: sorry for the belated responds as I am seeing it only this morning.

satnam singh (job less)     22 August 2010

please reply .

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