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Singha Rao (Engineer)     23 June 2012

Expecting 498a from my cruel wife

I got married before 1 year after that we stayed together for 5 month at outside India. After that we went to India, and she say that she can able to come back alone after 1 month, so that I left her and I came back to Malayesia. Once I came back she say that she want to job at India and she don't want to join with me, even she told that it is not necessary to stay both husband and wife together. After that she stay at my parent's house. Then she did quarell at my parent's home with everybody without any reason and left her parent's home.  Initially she quarel with me for unnecessary reason, now slowly after 2-3 month and their argument are different day by day. "which I recorded amicably". Now after 3 month argument she and her father is arguing that I turtured her for dowry. But all are false...Now she told me that she don't want to talk to me over phone anymore.  I have some proof voice record that she talked to her old boy friend, in my absence where her boy friend demanded that he is now realising why he did not able to marry her. 

Now our relation in such stage that it is difficult to make it again. So before that should I take any precausion? Please suggest me in following query?

1. Now I am scaring that she might file false case against me. As I am in emplyment pass at Malayesia, so if she will file case then can she able to arrest me from Malayesia?

Is it necessary to come downsome time, if Judge want to clarify some thing?

So is it necessary to explain to Judge or can I pass to my advocate?

If not then can I fight case from Malayesia, through my relatives?

So on that basis can I inform all these things to police before she file case? Will it be helpful for me to get anticipatory bell?

2. If they want to take revenge then can they hold my passport through court and Indian embassy?

Now I am scaring to travel to India.

3. As I get marriage certificate from her home town, where mentioned that marriage is solemnised at their house.

So where she can file case? at her home town or at my home town?

4. As her home is 400 KM away from my home so fighting case will cause too much problem for my family member. If in case she file the case, can we transfer the case to our home town or to high court?

5. Can I file a quash in High court (Before or after she filed case). As chances for rejoin is very less, So can I apply for diverse or RCR or AB? please suggest me which will be more better.

Can any lawerer brother/sister want to share his/her hand phone, to  help to this frustrated creature in this universe (me).

 3 Replies

Ratnesh kumar (Advocate)     23 June 2012

if u are apprehending that she might file a dowry demand case agaisnt u than file a case of divorce on teh ground of cruelity and deserstion . this will work as sheild to u .

Ratnesh kumar (Advocate)     23 June 2012

if u are apprehending that she might file a dowry demand case agaisnt u than file a case of divorce on teh ground of cruelity and deserstion . this will work as sheild to u .

Guest (Guest)     25 June 2012

Start intimating the police authorities now about the possibility of your wife implicating you in a false 498A case so that when the hammer actually falls on you it becomes easy for you to seek AB. Surrendering of passport can be a condition precedent for releasing you on AB. Quashing depends on the contents of the FIR. It is allowed in rare cases when there is no prima facie charge made out from the FIR.

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