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Santosh kumar (lect)     03 July 2014

Expedite land acquisition case pending for last 16 years

My father's farming land was acquired my the govt. in 1998. The case is pending in the lower court all this while. Govt had acquired that land for housing for poor . The award offered during acquisition was 1/6th of the prevailing market rates. We have produced evidences with sale transactions in that area during that period.

The court appointed a commission and report is sort from the commission. But this is heading no where.

My father is 71 years old and is handicapped. His rightful lively hood was taken by govt. 16 years back. How can we put this in fast track court ?





 2 Replies

Santosh kumar (lect)     03 July 2014

Can we seek directive from the high court in this matter by invoking the article 227 of the constitution ?




H.JanakiManohar Rao (lawyer)     20 May 2015

You ask your advocate to speedup the case otherwise take assistance of another lawyer.You can approach the High court to fix the date to complete the long pending case.

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