Antibiotic (Free Lancer) 13 November 2011
The Admin Head of the Company ,
If the Secy to Govt of India takes VRS , President may accept , but the VRS Order will be sined by the Joint Secy of the Deptt looking after
So the Admin Head of your Co. can issue the Experience Certificate to you
Kumar Doab (FIN) 13 November 2011
Learned Mr. Godbole has given valuable advice.Kindly follow it.
You may address the request to issue work experience/service certificate to your appointing authority.
The certificate may be issued by authorised/designated/empowered employee of the comapny.
Antibiotic (Free Lancer) 14 November 2011
Thanks Mr SURESH GODBOLE, However I was the head of all depts. I was Country Head/CEO(General director designation on papers). Its was a small company and there was no Admin deptt, Many dept's role were collectively done by Me, accountant and office secretary . Also there were nojoint director . There was nobody above me in the office and I use to report to the owner about the business.
Thanks in advance
There may be someone below you , A Managger of Accounts inharge /Mamager , who is continuing in emp still . He can put up the file to the Owner by putting up a draft reg your Experience Cert , showing his sig , then get the approval of Owner , Issue it to you
Sankaranarayanan (Advocate) 14 November 2011
Sir who is the owner of company, according to your statement your owner is no holding position " it means what?
Who commenced the company and whoes name is reflected in the all govermment records.
IS your establishment is come under the partnership firm or pvt ltd or limited