The story goes like...
9yrs back my girl friend A (diff community) wanted me to marry her because their parents were in search of a groom. Both sides parents were not willing to accept our love. Then as a precautionary action, we went to arya samaj and got a certificate to protect her from her parents. The intent was to get a fake copy of the certificate but immaturity lead me to go for the actual ritual.
Next day of that arya samaj ceremony she left to her parents place and revealed it. Her parents called me, they took the certificate. After that she left to foreign and we have separated for years.
After these many years, I have agreed to marry and married B according to Hindu rituals. My fate turned upside down again. B turned out to be impatient, arrogant and immature girl and I cannot stand her for 15min. It’s difficult to tolerate her. While I am trying to save the marriage with B as B has left me and staying in her relatives place from past 6months. While this was going on, A came back to me to ask for official divorce. A has got the ex-partee divorce done in her favor.
Now what’s the status of B? Since she no longer has the status of a legal wife, Am I eligible for RCR or divorce or any other legal proceedings? What if she files cases? 494,495,498a, 417 all sections are applicable L
Experts here can say to marry B again but as I have already told you it’s difficult to have a peaceful married life with her. Her impatience is driving me nuts. She has suicidal tendencies and threatened me several times to kill herself and me. She hates my family and friends. I tried for marriage counseling, psychiatric help but she never has agreed to go for it.
Is there any future for me? am I eligible for RCR/Divorce filing? Will it create more problems for me legally? How to come out of this mess :-( experts please advise me K