I have a land of 262 sqmtrs of area, in that i have 2 houses of aprocimately 52 sqmtrs and 36sqmts of area each which situated on hilly area. I want to extend my house from behind about 24sq mts each but ,behind my house there is big bunch of mud as well rocky stone hanging over houses of 2mtr sloping height .this mud and rockystone are included in my property. my question is
1.should i remove this mud and rock without taking permision .
2.from whom should i take permmison (muncipalty or collector or any other aurothority).
3.is there any law behind this, is this called hill cutting or simply removing mud and rocky stone for protection of my houses .
note :-
all of my nighbour had build their house without permision of law on the hilly area.