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Mohd Musabbir Ansari (Legal Practice/Litigation New Delhi 09582547570 )     16 April 2011

Extention of probation period

Dear all:

Please tell me where should i move agaist the below mentioned memo extending period of 1 year after completing two years of probation as per terms and conditions. which fora i have to make an appeal.

Delhi Transport Corporation

Government of NCT of Delhi


NO. AND/GO/PFC/21011/622 Dated; 08-02-11

In accordance with the terms and conditions as contained in Letter No.PLD-III (DSSSB)/Dr./Appnt./09/586 dated 10.0202009, Sh. Rajesh Singh S/o Sh. S.S. Sherawat, Driver, B.No. 23184, T.No. 65146 was appointed as Driver w.e.f. 12.02.2009 and put on probation for a period of tw3o years. His period  of probation is being extended for further one year due to irregular in his attendance.




 1 Replies

Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     28 April 2011

Dear Mr.Mohd.Musabbir,see if that driver was found not upto the mark his probation was extended for another a year instead of terminating him outrightly for which management had the right to do so but they could have extended it for six month at a stretch instead.

On the other hand I found that the management was compassionate towards an employee who was found wandering instead of performing to the satisfaction of management and if the probation period was extended before expiry of TWO years I would implore you to kindly do not vitiate the cordial relation between employer and the employee and if it was extended after expiry of TWO years and the driver in question was not issued any show cause notice during initial probation of TWO years then kindly  go ahead and submit appeal to the DTC management first.

I would request to kindly don't jump to the conclusion before exhausting your avenues to the DTC management..


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