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AMAR   13 July 2016

Extra Ordinary leave

Sir,I am an employee of MHA on probation for 2 years(1 year gets completed on20July).before joining I had completed 2 years of L.L.B..After reading EOL rules for temporary employees for pursuing studues(according to 2 (d)- 24 months EOL is admissable in my case ) I have the following question .1)can I take 2 years EOL to complete last year of LLB and then 1 year of LLM, .2)will these 2 years be counted as part of my service and for promotion or will I suffer any drawbacks.. My post is permanent but since I am on probation I assume I am a temporary employee.thank you For your reference: 2. Extra-ordinary Leave to Temporary Employee [CCS Leave Rule � 32(2)] Unless the President, in view of the exceptional circumstances of the case otherwise determines, no Government servant, who is not in permanent employ or quasi-permanent employ, shall be granted extraordinary leave on any one occasion in excess of the following limits:- (d) Twenty-four months, where the leave is required for the purpose of prosecuting studies certified to be in the public interest, provided the Government servant concerned has completed three years� continuous service on the date of expiry of leave of the kind due and admissible under these rules, including three months� extraordinary leave under Clause (a).

 1 Replies

chetan   14 July 2016

Read this link or file a RTI in your office /DOPT for Searching Provisions

note : it may be better if u will file rti by name of your relative or family members.

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