I live in Haryana and some government officials from HUDA (Haryana Urban Development Authority) set up a pump just 10 m away in front of my house, to draw out sewage out from an underground sewage pipe. To power the pump they have set up a diesel generator, which is causing a lot of nuisance. When asked , they said that the generator will be there for a year or two. Firstly the diesel genset is emitting a lot of smoke , all of which is directed towards my house and there are asthmatic family members in the house suffering from all the smoke. Secondly , they have not put anti vibration pads and when the genset starts - my whole house starts vibrating as well. I have the following questions:
1. Is it legal to put up a diesel genset in front of a residential house in a residential area?
2. Are there any guidelines/court judgments regarding the same?
3. Who should I complain first the SDM or HUDA officials?
4. If I don't get any relief should I approach the court for an Injunction?