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Shaji Joseph (Lawyer)     01 August 2007

Factories Act

What are the documents/registers to be maintained in a factory?

 8 Replies

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     03 September 2007

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List of Registers to be maintained:

[*]Register of Compensatory Holidays in Form No.9 [/*]
[*]Register of Adult Workers in Form No.12 [/*]
[*]Register of Adolescent Workers in Form No.14 [/*]
[*]Register of Leave with wages in Form No.15 [/*]
[*]Muster Roll in Form No.25 [/*]
[*]Register of Accidents in Form No.26 [/*]
[*]Register of Dangerous Occurrences in Form No.26 A [/*]
[*]Register of exemptions in Form No.28 [/*]
[*]Register of particulars of rooms in the factory in Form No.29 [/*]
[*]Inspection register in Form 28, 29 & 7[/*][/list] 

The above are the general registers to be maintained. There are other registers under the Rules to be maintained depending upon the factory.

swetha1983 (n/a)     08 September 2007

I have attached the registers to be maintained in facotories act

sraju_mba (n/a)     14 December 2007


Could you tell me what are forms and returns to be maintained and submitted for PF, ESI, Safety & Environment Acts 

bupesh (n/a)     14 December 2007

i) Duties & Obligations under PF Act:
a) To obtain PF Code Number, soon after employing 20 or more persons, from the Regional/ Sub-Regional PF Commissioner by submitting prescribed forms.
b) To allot individual PF Number, to each employee and maintain the list in Form 9.
c) To obtain Nomination and Declaration in Fom.2 from every employee including casual, Temporary, Contract or Regular immediately and obtaining employerΓÇÖs Code Number.
d) To deduct 12 % of earned salary (gross of basic + DA+ retaining allowance if any) in the payment.
e) To pay employeeΓÇÖs share of 12% and employerΓÇÖs share of 3.67% to the Provident Fund in A/c. No.1 through prescribed  common challan, within 15 days from the wage period.
f) To pay employerΓÇÖs share of 8.33% to the Pension Fund in A/c. No. 2 through prescribed common challan within 15 days from the wage period.
g) To pay PF Administration Charges at 1.10% to A/c. No. 10 through prescribed common challan within 15 days from the wage period.
h) To pay EDL I charges at 0.5% to A/c. No. 21 through prescribed common challan within 15 days from the wage period.
i) To pay Inspection charges at 0.01% to A/c. No.22 through prescribed common challan within 15 days from the wage period.
j) To maintain Contribution Card in Form 3-A separately for all PF members.
k) To send monthly statement of Contributions in Form 12-A along with copies of paid challans.
l) To send Form 5 along with the Declaration and Nomination in Form 2 and Form 10 along with Form 3-A.
m) To send Annual Return in Form 6-A along with Form 3-A before 20[sup]th[/sup] March of each year.

ii) Duties & Obligations under ESI Act:
a) To register the factory/establishment, within 15 days by filing Form 01 and to obtain employerΓÇÖs code number.
b) To obtain Declaration, in Form 1 before taking any person into employment.  To send declaration forms within 10 days to the ESI Local office along with Return of Declaration in Form 3.
c) To deduct 1.75% of the wages as employeeΓÇÖs contribution and add 4.75% as employeeΓÇÖs contribution and deposit the same within 21 days of the last day of the calendar month.
f) To maintain a Register of Employees in Form 7 and make entries of contributions.
g) To make payment of ESI contributions within 21 days of wage period.
h) To send Return of Contributions in Form 6 to Local Office within 42 days from the closure of contribution period.
i) To obtain particulars of employeeΓÇÖs family in Form 1-A and later, any changes in Form 15-B, within 10 days, and submit the same to the local ESI office.
j) To issue Identity Card, in place of slip, to the employees.
k) To maintain a bound Inspection Book, prescribed under Regulation 102 A ΓÇô an Accident Book in Form 15 and to send Accident Report to the local office/dispensary and to others depending upon the seriousness of the accident.

Zakir Malik (n/a)     30 December 2007

Res. Mr. Yedhulaprakash,


I work as a Manager HR at Suzlon Energy. I am looking for Formats of all the Forms as well as register to be maintained under the Factory Act.

Hoping your guidance in the matter.

Await response at [][/url]  /  [][/url]


Zakir Malik


Shambasiv (n/a)     30 December 2007

The Following activities regarding the functioning of HR/Personnel department is to be implemented and followed for ensuring smooth running of the factory in line with statutory compliance and professional way.
Statuary Provisions as per Factories Act 1948
Inspector of Factories
[list=1]Factory Licence [/*]Factory Plan [/*]Standing Order [/*]Testing of Pressure Vassals[/*][/list]  
1. Factory Plan 
Registration of Factory by Producing Building Plans along with
Form 1 - (Application to Construct, Extend or Take in to use any Building as a Factory)
Our Foundry is Treated as Hazardes Factory so, we have to get approval form Chief Inspector of Factories, Chennai 
2. Factory Licence
Form 2 ΓÇô Application for Registration and grant or renewal of License for the Year ________ and notice of occupation Specified in section 6 and 7 (to be submitted in Triplicate)
Note: Form 2 ΓÇô is to be submitted along with Licence Fee / Renewal Fees on or
Before 31[sup]st[/sup] October of Every Year
3. Testing of Pressure Vessel or Plant  
Form 8 B (See Rule 56 B(1) ) ΓÇô Application for Testing or Examining of Pressure Vessel or Plant
4. Preparation and Submission of Half Yearly Returns
[list=1]Form 2 [/*]Form 21 [/*][/list]      Note : To be submitted on or Before 31[sup]st[/sup] July of Every Year
5. Preparation and Submission of Annual Returns in
Form No. 22 (Prescribed under clause (2)  of rule 100)
(Combined Annual Return For the Year Ending 31[sup]st[/sup] December …… )
       Note  : To be submitted on or before 31[sup]st[/sup] January of Every Year 
6. Preparation and Submission of Forms
     Form 18 -   Accident Report
     Form 18B ΓÇô Further details of Accidents
     Form 18A  - Report of Dangerous Occurrences
     Form 3 A ΓÇô Notice of Change of Manger
     Form 11 ΓÇô Notice of Period of work for Adult and Children
     Form 8 ΓÇô Remittance of Pressure Vessel Testing Fee and Getting Pressure
                       Vessel Testing Report
     Form 27  - Remittance of Medical Examination Fees for Employees who are
                         doing Dangerous operations and Getting Medical Report  
   7. Maintenance of Registers
    Form I ΓÇô Register of Workmen
    Form 1  -  Register of Employees Placed under Suspension
    Form B  -  Register of Wages
    Form C  -  Register for Fines and Unpaid accumulations
    Form 15  - Register of Leave with wages
    Form 26  - Register Accidents
    Form 26 A ΓÇô Register of Dangerous Occurrences
    Form 12 ΓÇô Register of Adult workers
    Form 7 ΓÇô Register of Lime Washing, Painting etc
    Form 29 ΓÇô Particulars of Room in a Factory
    Form 28 ΓÇô Exempted Granted to a Factory    
    Form 14  -  Register of Child workers
    Form II  -  Register for deduction & Loss for Employer
    Form 35 -  Register of Trained workers doing adjusting operations

kirankumaradv (n/a)     30 December 2007

Find attached the formats of forms used under the Delhi Factory Rules.

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     02 January 2008

Find attached the leave card format

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