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Rohan   27 November 2021

Fake bed degree

Someone is using a degree which was obtained without attending the BEd college. The attendance was given in return for money. What cases can be filed again that person. The person stayed in a different state which around 1000 kms away.

 9 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     27 November 2021

You can bring the notice to the concern university higher authorities

Kevin Moses Paul   02 December 2021

In such a case it's better that you collect appropriate evidences regarding the act and then Report it to the appropriate University administration.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     21 December 2021

How are you connected.

Yogeshwari Sirsikar   21 December 2021

As per your query, let me tell you that, 2 facts need to be taken into consideration, whether he has used the degree? Was the attendance compulosry? You should bring it to the notice of the university who issued the degree. He must have given the examination and obtained the degree. The university can file the case of cheating against him.

Hope it helps!


Yogeshwari Sirsikar

Kawmini Liyanage   21 December 2021


To answer your query, it is necessary to identify whether you have solid evidence in this regard. A complaint lodged to higher education authorities or taken into court can have adverse effects if it was not properly proved. As the accused can institute an action under defamation. 

If you are confident that the evidence that you possess is not mere accusation being solid, a complaint can be lodged with Higher Education Authorities first. 


Kawmini Liyanage.

Rohan   23 December 2021

I think I have solid evidence for the same. let me if there is varying opinion.

- On one ocassion the accused had asked money from her husband for bribing the instituiton for attendance.

- She used to stay in a different city (delhi) and the institution was in say Rourkela as she got married in 2018. Her session was from 2017-2019.

- Using that fake BEd degree she is now teaching in a school from past 2 years.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     28 December 2021

how are you connected.                   

Rohan   28 December 2021

She is my sister in law.

Anaita Vas   31 December 2021

You can visit the nearest police station if you are sure about it.

Secondly, you can write to the UGC mentioning the university whose name is on the fake marksheet.

Thirdly, you can approach the college if you have the name of the college in the fake marksheet.

If the candidate is in job write to the department to take action against him or her and the candidate will be dismissed and legal action will also be initiated.



Anaita Vas

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