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dns (mo)     26 May 2014

Fake estimates /abuse of law /dowry prohibition act

1}fake estimates of jwellary submitted against my bail  (498 a/406)application .delhi police circular says that stridhan list need to be verified but no verification done in my case even fake estimates accepted by i/o and submitted it as bills  ---- this is gross misuse of law + delibrate manipulation -----how to complaint agaist such isue 

2}dowry prohibition act says giving dowry is also a crime  so what is the process for complaining against such issues.


 7 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 May 2014

meet lawyer with all papers.

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Kaatu Poochi (Kaatu Poochi&Co)     30 May 2014

You should file TEP Tax evasion petition
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Kaatu Poochi (Kaatu Poochi&Co)     30 May 2014

You should file TEP Tax evasion petition. My humble request don't receive any advice from the lawyers they will misguide you. You just inform your lawyer to file the TEP.

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dns (mo)     30 May 2014

thanks  for reply.TEP is already filed .....

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     30 May 2014

yes before taking any decision consult your lawyer and this forum will give you advice out of this you can consult your lawyer and then decide

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Kaatu Poochi (Kaatu Poochi&Co)     30 May 2014

Friend, I'm not a advocate&legal expert. I am just like you suffered by fake 498A. Please share your experience about TEP. My wife father collected fake jewelry bills in him name only. How can let him get caught. But he had no records the articles to gave me. Kindly advice me what should I do next step. Give me powerful Idea to trap the fake family members.

Rocky Smith (Instructor @ Calcutta (     31 May 2014

File RTI to State Public Information Office of superintendent of Police and ask for your queries.


If you find that the answers are misleading than go to High Court and file Wirt Petition Under Article 226 read with Article 14, 15, 19 and 21 and Dowry Prohibition Act, Right to Information Act 2005 and Indian Evidence Act. against the STATE and Your Wife & Others


Please take reference of my post from the following link also: -

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