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Ranjit Shembade   27 December 2022

Fake ufm case in mumbai university

I reached the classroom late for my 7th semester university exam at MGMCET which is come under the Mumbai University. I didn't check my desk it's not easily visible to something is in there or not. After I start writing my exam answer sheet, I suddenly realized that there were some piece of papers in my bench. But exam was started and my class supervisor is so rude and not co-operate with student but after sometime some student cheats found while writting them from it but his take that cheats and throw in dustbin. And some paper in my desk that was i try to hide because that supervisor is not good behavior with me but while the hiding that paper he was saw me and send me to exam cell but their is some student cought with mobile and cheats but exam cell staff is not taking action on it they get written application on white paper and some favour on that student by cash or something else them in front of me but they are taking action on me through ufm form filled by them self and they ask to sign it other wise they made different case that not cooprate with staff and theraten etc.. that's why I was sign that paper and written statement on that paper as he said. But that piece of paper that was i try to hide i didnot write anything from it and they are not listing me what should I do? can anyone help me because ufm committee set in that college and that staff also can that committee member and they don't listen me they are making me target i don't know why. can you tell me how to deal with it I'm not doing copy in exam but those staff portrait me in that should I take legel help against him? Or how I was free from that allegations

 1 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     08 January 2023

given facts indicate sustainable case on you.

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