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False 498a case and dv case

I got married in 2014 with highly educated woman having high cader police person support. Most of the time i go to abroad on job purpose. She dont like to stay with my parents and goes to her parents home. if it is days i am ok but she stay at her mom's home months. we had clash in this matter, i was forced to agree due to police person. I was forced to give my hard earned money to her brothers for their business purpose. though i dont like i kept quiet, dont want to be in trouble and to save my family life. She always supports her brothers. I had baby in 2016, told them i dont give single penny from now, want to save for my daughter. 

My wife had quarrel with me, her brothers involved and beaten me. we stayed separately 7 months in 2016. my father compromised and broght het back. Again she asked money, i denied... left 11 months baby with me in mumbai, she went to andhra. filesd 498a and DV case.

She left home on jan 2017, i filed missing case in mumbai on same day. She filed 498 and DV on feb 2017 in andhra. Attended counselling, she didnot comprmise.. insulted me in police station filed case on me and my parents. Charge sheet is in her favor due to police person support.

in FIR written i and my parents beaten her for dowry in mumbai, she left home for saving her life. in charge sheet not mentioned about enquiry in mumbai, mentioned about i beaten her whenever i go andhra.. her brothers and neighbour in andhra attached as evidence.

Whenever we had quarrel, she used to scold me and my parents as labour people becoz my parents are uneducated and my father does farming.

Being muslim, she goes to church and pray. I had FB messages as proof. i caught her with bible.

How can i come out from this false cases. Do i need to pay maintenance to her, if so how much i need to pay.


 2 Replies

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate)     26 July 2018

You will have to pay her maintenance that is decided by the court on the basis of your income, your reasonable expenses, her own financial status, her financial needs and reason for her living away from you and her matrimonial home.

satish patil   27 July 2018

no maintenance needed she is gov working women file dv on mental and phi curalty

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