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Balchandran T   11 June 2020

False accusations of rape

Sir, I know a girl since 8 years. We wanted to marry. However the behaviour of girl was too frivolous and inconsistent, because I wanted to marry her I used to ignore her temperament. We hardly had any physical relationship in these years. I got a good job, so I took a step by asking her to send her parents. They came and we continued with matrimonial talks. Suddenly after 2 weeks the girl told me that she don't want to marry me. I asked the reasons, so she gave baseless excuses. It was very disheartening for me. I tried to convince her but it didn't work. I tried to contact her parents but they blocked me. I moved on with my fate. Time elapsed and I got engrossed in my life. Started seeing marriage proposals. Suddenly After 6 months the girl, contacted me again, but this time I said no. She requested and started giving excuses. I was firm and said no. She started emotional outburst and apologized. Due to her persistent request I changed my mind. But I never forgot what she did to me in past. The trust got shattered. So I started documenting evidence regarding her behaviour and demands. She couldn't explain why she denied marriage in past. Fine we continued with talks and did small pre-marriage ceremony for fixing the future marriage. After that complexities enlarged and It was called off from my side. Now the girl and her family are threatening me of dowry and Rape case. I am very tensed. What to do? Her behaviour is so bad that marriage means hell. I have all proofs to show non compatibility, rude behaviour, frivolous demands etc. Earlier she denied marriage, later she promised to be good to me, but she couldn't. My query is will I be in trouble despite of having proofs of my innocence?? Second how can it be the case of deception when I genuinely wanted to marry her but couldn't do because of non compatibility??? Kindly revert.

 8 Replies

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     11 June 2020

There is nothing in your hands at present.  You can defend your actions after she files a complaint with all those allegations.   Contact a local advocate, and inform him facts so that he can defend you..  There is nothing the members in the forum can offer as guidance, when you are facing only threats.

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P. Venu (Advocate)     11 June 2020

Please post simple and relevant facts, avoiding subjective opinions, assumptions and presumptions.

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Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     13 June 2020

What are the facts and problem ?

Be precise and brief for consideration and obligation of experts, if any.

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Balchandran T   13 June 2020

I tried to explain the facts sir, I am sorry if it is not clear. 1. It a long relationship (not live- in) 2. The boy and girl wanted to marry. 3. Marriage proposal was there, however girl backed out (this can be proved by audio and MSG's) 4. After few months girl reapproched the boy. Boy said NO. however, he said Yes. 5. After saying yes, the girl again changed her behaviour. Frustrated boy called off marriage. 6. Now girl is threatening false rape and dowry case. My question is: 1. When the boy has all good intentions to marry earlier the girl backed out...(the boy has all tangible proofs) can the boy succeed in defending such case? Share your thoughts. Thanks

P. Venu (Advocate)     13 June 2020

What is the relevance of the query whenno FIR has been filed. In all probability, these are mere empty threads. You can afford to take them in the stride, at the present stage.

Moreover, if at all a case is filed, it is for the complainant to prove his/her allegations. In a criminal trial, the accused is not required to prove his innocence. He is innocent unless proved other wise.

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Balchandran T   13 June 2020

Thanks sir for your valuable reply and time.

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     13 June 2020

1. You stated 

The boy and girl had long relationship (not live-in). There is no offence of having relationship, they may or may not live togather it is their own decision, nothing illegal.

2. Secnondly

The boy and girl had marriage proposal initially it did not materialised but subsequently they accepted/ got married or not is a mystry in point number 3 to 5.

3. Thirdly 

Point No 6  they had long relationship,means they had consensual intercourse,it is no case of rape.. 

Where is the dowry or demand for it ?

When the girl files a case (which she is stated to have extending threat) contest it tooth and nail.

Prima facie it is a topic for moot court and not a real story.


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Balchandran T   20 June 2020

Thanks for the reply sir.They did not marry sir. As they were incompatible, the girl used to block the boy on Facebook, WhatsApp, phone etc. They couldn't talk for 15-20 days. When the boy tried to contact her parents, they also blocked him. This was even more frustrating that even her parents are not listening now how will they behave after marriage. Marriage is such a bond where love and respect is utmost priority, however in this case it was lacking. Moreover, the girl and her family is involved in criminal cases and domestic violence cases herself, when The boy came to know this he denied marriage. Will it not come under concealing a material fact???? Sir plz tell me is man so helpless that he can't move out from such situations where he know that future is bad. All audios and msg are there to corroborate what is described above.

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