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vinay (employee)     11 January 2017

False cases on 498a

Hi can any body tell me how to file civil suit against my wife on false 498a. In this forum only some body advised me to file civil suit on her for giving dowry. More over the status of false case is in trial stage now. Please let me know how many years it wil take for closure of the cases. Last hearing the evidences came and put their statement before judge. Next hearing again in this month ending. The info that she told is completely baseless and untrue and more over what she said is different from FIR. I know that I wil win the case but patience should be there , but from last year a little bit frustrated in moving to courts for false case and divorce. Divorce also in the middle of pan now, last time she filed counter petition and now I need to file counter to her and let's c how many years it takes on contested divorce. Please need your inputs on this as my age is 35 now I am looking for marriages. Regards Innocent man

 1 Replies

SOLOMON.RAJ (advocate/director)     11 January 2017

Dear Vinay,

                 First of All the most importanat thging you nered to under stand is that Ection 498-A is dealth by the Code of Criminal Porcedure and not BY the Civil Code procedure.

All you can do is, as you are confident of winning the case you can  file a defamation case after you succeed in the above mentioned case and get acquittal by the Concerned Hon'ble Jurisdictional  Court's  of the charges framed against you in the said C.C. 

Adv.DR.Solomon Raj
                  L.L.M.( Crimes & Torts )
Advocate, High Court Of A.P. , India
Director, Justice League,
Indian Ombudsman U.E.(U.S.A.)
Ex-Member, Mega Lok Adalat , Criminal Courts,Hyderabad.
 National Vice president, All India Christian’s Council,
Legal Chairman,  All India Christian’s Council,
Lok Adalat Member, A.P.( Ex)                      
Hon'ry Advisor, St.Joseph's School,
Television Speaker & Theologist,
Core Committee Head, For drafting Act of "Protection of Christian Properties" In Andhra Pradesh. 

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