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Jagtap (Proprietor)     20 September 2016

False certification by bmc approved structural engineer

If a Structural Enginner submits a false certificate against me stating that I have damaged the structure of the building while renovating my flat. Also being aware of the fact that I had taken necessary certification in writing from another Structural Enginner that the procedure I am following is not harming the Structure of the building. Now I have managed to get the original building plans which prove that the engineers had certified falsely ignoring my engineers certification. Assuming that I have all the necessary documents to prove him a culprit, how severe a crime can he be sued for ? 

 2 Replies

P. Venu (Advocate)     20 September 2016

Is this a real issue! 

Jagtap (Proprietor)     20 September 2016

Why do you ask such a question ? Kindly give me the answer as to what are the strongest attacks I have.

Short explanation of situation:

Yes it is very much a real issue. The enginneer did it only to get awarded a Painting contract of few lacs from my building secretary who is trying his best to put me into trouble even adopting all sorts of illegal means. They assumed they are safe as there was no way to prove the engineer wrong. This can happen only with the original building plans and those would be immposible to retreive. I thankfully managed to get them via RTI.

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