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abc (abc)     04 April 2010

False Dowary case

Can some one apply for ABP in high court in a case registered u/s 498A if he is already applied in session court for ABP. But the session courts is delaying the matter.

Can One can apply for stay on arrest in high court in above case.



 3 Replies

Jithendra.H.J (Lawyer)     04 April 2010

after passing of the orders by the sessions court only you can approach the High court,


simultaneously you cant appraoch the both the courts

Arati Gawde ( Legal )     09 April 2010

Agree with Adv. Jithendra

anonymous (xxxxxxx)     10 April 2010


. our marital home is in joint names of both me and my husband with me as the first owner as i was paying the emi  till nov 08 after which i quit the job and became a home maker.

my husband has been pressurising me to sell the house so that he can apportion the money to but two smaller flats one in the name of his mother and the other in joint nmaes of himself and me with him being the first owner as the second flat would be mortgauged and the loan would be on his name.

after this a simple fight was magnified abetting me to suicide and my husband left the house and promptly lodged an fir saying that i attempted suicide for threatenig him. which has failed because i have come back with the kids to my marital home and i am staying there since

i am not interesting in breaking the marraige, even though he has every mind to do so

please let me know the following

1. after 15 days, my huband returned and paid all bill and my children school, my house hold expenses by the way cheque- will he be able to claim the custody of my children due to this / what is his legal stand in doing this?

2. he stayed the night over that weekend, wll it be considered as a break to period of i year needed for mutual seperation.

3.what are the grounds that he can use against me as i am not in for divorce?

4.if i start workign again can he move away from giving any money.



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