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Sunny (AA)     01 July 2013

False dv/498a from wife

Can a wife claim a car in Stridhan if it is in the name of her brother and in there custody now? Though she brought that car in marriage but after sometime she took it at her home and never bring it back to her matrimonial house. Still she is claiming that car in a list she submitted to women cell with her complaint. 

Please advise.

 3 Replies




Bring the fact to the notice of Women Cell.Tell them to bring the documents of the purchasing of the Car.It's clearly not included in Streedhan.




Note-This reply should be taken as per the declaration given in my profile page.





Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     01 July 2013

if it was shown means any evidence of paying for particular item on the occasion that it is your streedan then you can claim it 

prakharved (Medical officer)     04 July 2013



They would not be able to prove that a car had been given as streedhan. They would need to provide the papers or proof of the same. Since the paper would be in the name of the brother, then it can not be claimed as a streedhan.



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