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kumarkumar (business)     22 April 2015

False evidences

Dear learned lawyers, 

               Filling false evidences to mislead the court attracts which section and what action the court can take against the person. 


Thank you,

A.Durai Pandi

 27 Replies

Hardeep (Business)     23 April 2015

An application can be made to Court to proceed under S. 340 CrPC. Lie has to be on affidavit, proven and material to the cause of Justice.

kumarkumar (business)     23 April 2015

Thank you @ Hardeep 

Sir whether S. 340 CrPC. can be filled in family court or in high court.

N R Dash.. (Advocate)     23 April 2015

It has to be filed with the family court & the judge has to refer the matter to a Metropolitan Magistrate who has the jurisdiction to try & prosecute the culprit.



However, there is a proper time to file this application. After evidence & with a firm proof that whatever were submitted in affidavit or deposed under oath are false & has an impact on the judicial proceeding. The culprit knowingly with an ulterior motive has misused the process of law.

kumarkumar (business)     23 April 2015

Thank you @N R Dash

kumarkumar (business)     23 April 2015

Can same procedure be applicable for Section 500 IPC Defamation case.

kumarkumar (business)     23 April 2015

Can IPC 1860, Section 181 also applicable to family courts for making false evidences.

N R Dash.. (Advocate)     23 April 2015

What IPC has to do with the family court????


Dear Querist 

U R testing the capabilities of the experts.U Urself are well acquinted with all the sections of IPC and CRPC.

kumarkumar (business)     23 April 2015



  I am not testing anybody, my wife filled false evidences against me, so I am interested to know what kind of sections that would amount to, as I want to proceed in that direction. 

               She also spread rumours about me so I want to know whether I can file defamation, if so in family court or high court. 

Please dont consider my queries as testing anyone, if my queries looked like such a one, my earnest apologize sir. 

A person filling misleading affidavit under the oath amounts to IPC1860, i came across this in one of the searches in the forum.

please educate me sirs.

I once again thank all the leaned lawyers of this forum helping the society at large.


A.Durai Pandai. 

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     01 May 2015

Mr. Durai Pandi, you have engaged a lawyer, he will certainly help you to file the desiredcases against your wife, so what is the necessitiy for you to clarify the details because you have not read any thing properly but jumping at wrong conclusion about law and writing her seeking confirmation from experts/lawyers about  your wrong notion on the subject.   First of all challenge her false case and establish it to be false then onoly you have a further  case on her.  Just hearsay evidences will not help you proceed asper your desire or proposal. There is nothing wrong in mentioning that you are cross verifying your advocate or testing the lawyers here.

kumarkumar (business)     03 May 2015

Every one engages a lawyer then what is the purpose of this forum. 

please educate me.


Every one engages a lawyer then what is the purpose of this forum. 

please educate me.

Good suggestion by the querist, dear experts kindly respond


N R Dash.. (Advocate)     06 May 2015

It is clearly mentioned in the forum rules about the purpose, do's & dont's of this forum. It is for spreading legal awareness, not to disclose the key legal points and legal technicalities to layman.


Further, tasting the capability of legal professionals & comparing their abilities through posting queries in this forum is a SIN & should be strictly discouraged.


The querist hs been educated more than what was required by al lthe experts  and if he still wants to get proper education, he need not waste valuable time of the experts and better join a law college for better education..Such adamant replies from the querists have to be stopped. If U R disgruntled desperate and dejected of UR case,face it UR self or rely on UR local lawyer.We are herre to provide adequate suggestions but not to fight UR case.