when CBI has filed a wrong FIR, can we approach High court for quashing of FIR. are there any cases where High Court has quashed the FIR filed by CBI in the past. this is related to disproportionate assets case against central Govt employee
angel (manager) 11 October 2012
thank you so much. recently i read an article inIndia today, that Supreme Court has ordered that FIR file on Prevention of Corruption Act cannot be quashed by High court. how far is this applicable for the disproportionate assets case.
surjit singh (Assistant) 13 October 2012
I think you have not gone through the whole judgemnet, it appears you are picking up few lines and reading it. As Mr Ashish said power has been conferred upon the High Court under the Code of Criminal Procedure for quahsing the FIR whether it is filed by the local police or the CBI if comes within the parameter of the criteria laid down of quashing.