Niks 04 October 2017
SHREY DAMBHARE 04 October 2017
Get good honest well known lawyer in your area. I said well known, because well known lawyer never get managed so to prevent your lawyer from being managed by opposite party, you need to find good criminal side practising lawyer. Your lawyer will bring your evidence on record at the time of hearing. Also, do not give your evidence to Police, they may distroy it. Also, if FIR is filed then go for quashing of FIR where you can attached all this evidence.
Siddharth Srivastava (Advocate) 04 October 2017
Siddharth Srivastava (Advocate) 04 October 2017
Niks 04 October 2017
Niks 05 October 2017
R Trivedi ( 05 October 2017
Niks 05 October 2017