I have purchased 12 cents land with proper check boundaries. Later some other person purchased 10 cents land adjacent to me without mentioning my name in the check boundary in north direction. Land is not subdivied. we are constructing compound wall of house localted within our area of 12 cents land and he is trying to object it through the police and the MRO.
does he has right to object me at all? he is not at all neighbor of me according to his document. secondly he didn't even measure his land how much he has and without having proper boundaries? He is saying that go and measure your land first ?
Shall I question Tahasildar and him that his document is invalid without having proper checkboundaries and he doesn't have right to object me and without measuring his land and trying to object me?
He is reaally irritating me with the police without measuring his land first and objecting me from my work. Shall I file defmation suit on him once If I prove that I am legetamate in my 12 cents land land?
Please suggest me what to do in this.