It is regarding a client and broker agreement,where signature in derivative segment was not blank and in opening letter,company has acknowelded that no derivative trading account opened.In the mean time broker has done huge derivative trading with out my knowdge from his terminal.I came to know after 7 days..and filed a complaint after one month in legal team,Sebi ,NSE, and MD of Company
I filed a criminal case in court under 156(3) with 200,on the ground
1. No derivative segment was permitted with complete violation of Sebi Circular and NSE Circular.
2.To Surprise,number of place , they hae forged my sign which I derierately opened blank.
3.Bank erification has been manufactured y them with fake bank stamp with my forge signature and no official stamp,interestly they have given wrong adress
Bank has admit this later has not issued by them and given written reply over my complaint.
Now Police obviously sided with broker has replied without discussing me and avoided these core issue instead questioned that client is informed after trading and complaint should dismissed as this is not filed before higher police officers.
My understading,Honest Police should have done the Foresnic verify my signature and inquiry with bank which is not my home bank and primapacie no agreement of derivative trading..
My fear is that Judge may take a police reply as final eidence,even I will fight..