As per code of conduct by bar council .... advocate is not supposed to be mere mouth piece to the client's deception etc ........ and also supposed to do his best to refrain client from doing anything away from equity!!
But such grievience and disciplinary action is taken up by bar council only
You may at the max ask to debar that counsel from representing your opposite party anymore in that case , from the case as it is an act of obstructing the due process of justice.
first and Primary duty (and why legal rofession evolved?) ... is be an amicus curie court of law and court of equity .................. and help the court understand the genuine case/side of one side/party !!
If lawyer can't be an effective amicus curie at least he is not supposed to be misleading the court!!!
(Court has discretionary powers to intervene here ... if you are let's presenting your case on your own or pro-se then it may look ok!!... but if you are are represented by your lawyer then he would be reluctant to make such a plea !!
Why people are helpless against Pakistan? ............... It is because Pakistan is not an openly self declared rogue state!!! It is beyond the rogue state...
Under the garb of their claim of soverignty .................... they themselves are harbouring the miscreants!!! and that task is also delegated internally ................... But they nevre waste a second to apparently show their helplessness to contain it also !!!
But they don't want any infringment on their soverignty also!!!
But if they can't manage it themselves and rather are seen to be obstructing using looholes like this ... do they deserve the soverignty in the first place?
The same helplessness is seens in courts and it has become a bashion of lawyers over there!!