Babita 31 March 2022
HANUMESH H N 31 March 2022
Real Soul.... (LEGAL) 31 March 2022
You should filr for manitenance for your son. IF the property is snesetral or belonged abd is in the name of your father, you can file for partition and get your share. Still file for partition suit and get injuction for your peaceful possesion from court'
SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate) 31 March 2022
Yes, you can get share in the ancestral property. You are also entitled for your father's property. File partition petition to get share. If your mother has property in her name then your mother will decide who will be entitle to property. You cannot approach court to claim the said property.
Roman Jay Almaza 15 April 2022
I agree with him, try and get an income instead of doing something sneaky to your mother.
Divya Vijayan 16 April 2022
Since you don't have any means to support yourself and your minor son, you can seek maintenance from your ex husband under section 125 of CrPC. As far as the family property goes, you cannot have a share if it's a self acquired property of your mother but in case it's an ancestral property, you can have a fair share of the said property. In Vineeta Sharma v Rakesh Sharma, the Supreme Court has held that daughters will have coparcenary rights on their father’s property, even if the latter died before the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, became effective.