Dear Sir,
I am from Noida. The marriage of my daughter was solemenised in december last year here in Noida. Now, due to some misunderstandings, we want to apply for a divorce with mutual concent. It is understood that the divorce can be filed either at the place of marriage or the place where the couple last resided. As the couple stayed in Sriganganagar, Rajasthan, the boy's family may insist for filing the petition in Sriganganagar.
Sir, is there any family court in Sriganganagar, where the petition for divorce with mutual concent can be filed? If not, which is the nearest court for Sriganganagar, where the petition can be filed. Because, when searched on internet, it says there are only two family courts in Rajasthan i.e. in Kota and Jaipur.
S P Bhatia