My father before passing away gifted his property to my mother. Mother refuses to give any share of the property to me. Do I have any legal right to this property?
Thanks and Regards
vimal Kumar (vimal.vimal@aol.com) 20 September 2011
My father before passing away gifted his property to my mother. Mother refuses to give any share of the property to me. Do I have any legal right to this property?
Thanks and Regards
Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh) 20 September 2011
Can you tel the status of property gifted by your father in favour of your mother. If it was anecestral in his hands then gift can be got challenged but if its status was not ancestral then you have no legal right to claim any share out of gifted property of your mother and she is its exclusive owner and do any arrangement as per her sweet will thereto.
vimal Kumar (vimal.vimal@aol.com) 21 September 2011
Thank You very much for the reply.The property was not ancestral.
Thanks and Regards