This is kishore, 25 years old.
My grand father expired in 1990 and he has 4.5 acres land. and then the property transferred to my grand mothers name. my grand father has two sons, one my father and his younger brother.
In 2000, my grand mother made an agreement in 50/- bond paper that" I DON'T WANT THE PROPERTY AND THE PROPERTY GOES EQUALLY TO MY SONS. After distribution of property they should give me 5000/- per month."
and now my father expired recently.
My questions are as follows:
1. Now can my grand mother can give total property to his younger son?
If yes, Can I fight for my share in court?
2.Legally can I get my property share?
No, your grandmother cant give the total property to her younger son. Her both sons will get equal share and yes you can fight in court for your share.
Secondly, Legally your father will get the half equal share and if he transfers it to you then you can get it.