@ Ld. Gundlapallis
I will go by your call for such child rights. It is long overdue legislation. But, Government of India way back in 1992 acceded on
Further to above in Parliament the Prevention of Offences against the Child Bill, 2009 is already placed for discussion by legislatures so your call to criminalizing the same is a ignorant call and may duplicate the efforts of WCD Ministry R/w HRD Ministry which introduced in lower house the above said Bill.
Further in the presented brief I will say that both mother as well as the father is equally responsible to bring this child into presented hardships. Reason being when a wife (mother) defends his divorce as made to believe by this author her (mothers) apathy was well known socially and during same period she could have asked for Maintenance as well as filled a Civil Suit for Property Rights on behalf of her as well as that of the Rights of the child? Social stigma she already faced from trial Court to HC proceeding time and it is not that it happened within few months (I mean his divorce dismissal) so what more is left that she is not going to face after investing her prime life for more than two decades and yet when this child of hers became empowered now the child is raising a proxy conscious question! I welcome her (authors) question here seeking remedy and DV Act will not bring much remedy other than maintenance but original property rights question will still remain the same.
Further it is a view of only two of the trial courts that a minor child (male and or female) can file DV Act against his / her father and we donot know the age of this author nor we know if she un-married or married hence suggesting DV as a trial and error is doubtful but yes she (first complainant or second complainant) can always try seeking relief under DV but then under DV her mother has to prove adultery at the end of the trial under DV if that is the suit cause of action she is taking.
Hence what you and Ld. Rajoo advised are better legal options for long term sustained living of the author with her mother based on given briefs but since there are other siblings in HUF it may drag for years too is a forecast caution. Better is to discuss her and her mother’s apathy as in chamber with few senior civil property Law ld. Advocate in her jurisdiction.