How does one fight a case in an Indian Court when one is settled abroad?
Anup bhatia (service) 06 November 2010
How does one fight a case in an Indian Court when one is settled abroad?
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate) 07 November 2010
He can engage an advocate to fight his case by appointing a GPA holder.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate) 07 November 2010
Sorry it is not applicable to criminal cases.
Nu.Delhi.Law.Fora. (Advocate-on-Record Supreme Court of India) 07 November 2010
Dear Querist,
In Civil/Commercial matters, by executing duly notarised and consularised PoA for specific use in Indian Court, you may fight out through PoA holder who in turn engage an advocate. However, in criminal cases, situation is far differing.
Please provide little more details of the case so as advise you appropriately.
Trust this would suffice.
DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE ) 07 November 2010
Even in criminal cases deserving cases can seek exemption from apearance.