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hemant (na)     03 October 2014

Fighting with castism......we both want to live together ..

Dear Sir/Madam,

i got married with my girlfriend 7 month ago under special marriage marriage act 1954 followed by hindu ritiriwaz marriage at temple ,,we are both working under PSU. but on the next day her family come with reletives and by emotionaly blackmailed her and get back with them by promising that they would arrange our marriage in socialy also by 1 month but after few days they totally moved to another state and contact less after few days they call me and give life threatening and all the abuse thing about my family.we are so simple family never want to fight .we directly went to police but police not even take any complain instead of bribe of some thousand of rs. at the same time they forced me to cancell the marriage as quikly as possibe otherwise they kill my wife and my family .in next four month all the inccedent happening but my wife never call me .They also forced me to sign on a stam paper they i will helped her daughter to separate bcz this marraige against the social value .

they always theretend me to lodge a case for null void of this marraige by any means otherwise they kill my wife ............i really dont want any type of harresment of life risk to my wife.........that was pathetic situation of my life ........

after lots of thinking and as per my family view i filed a case for null and void but i dont want to nullified my marriage .....they pre planned the case as exprte and they not allowed my wife to appear before judge ......

after 5 month my wife conacted me and told the whole incident .. she told me she had been 3rd degree torchered by his family member ...........she somehow joined her offc near by her home where their one family member always stay with her......

she never want to canceled this marriage but circumstances is very poor.........she has been regularally mentally torcherd by her family ..............and the exprte hearing is very soon..and  my advocate is also trying to cheat me by taking bribe from other end...... ........what should i do?? i need advice very urgentally......

if judge ask me something what should i tell????

how can i avoid the case???

if i told the whole incedent before judge ,will the case dismissed ???? 

plz suggest i need ur valuabe advice very urgentally


 6 Replies

Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     03 October 2014

Your case is simple.  You have to collect your courage.  In the court you simply say that you want the marriage to be kept intact and hence you are withdrawing the case.  The case will be withdrawn then and there.  Before that engage a good advocate and file a writ of habeas corpus petition before the high court along with your marriage certificate and write all the facts.  The court will ask the police to produce your wife and before the judge if she says that she would like to stay with you, from there she will be sent along with you and police will be directed to give protection to both of you from the wife's side relatives.  So engage an advocat to file High Court case.


hemant (na)     03 October 2014

sir writ of habeas corpus petition could be file to high court before lower court decision???? time is very imp factor much time it could take ????? if they do something wrong with my wife i dought

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     04 October 2014

I agree with expert Mr. Chandrasekhar Advocate, habeas corpus petition along with police protection application is the only effective and time saving course of action for you.

Advocate Ravinder (Advocate/Attorney)     04 October 2014

To Hemanth,

I have gone through your issue.  It is very pathetic situation. It is very sad that you are suffering from a pitiable and dangerous situation.  Once your marriage is performed under Special marriage Act, you are nothing to worry.  I can solve your case easily.  Your case should be solved cautiously and with great patience.  Otherwise there may be life threat to both of you.  You contact me 7893011777 or  If necessary I can come to your place and meet your Superintendant of Police/Commissioner or Police (whichever is applicable) and settle your matter. 

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     09 October 2014

Querist: learned advocate Mr.Chandrasekar has properly and very perfectly advised you about the next course of action.  First you file a petition before the court that you are withdrawing the pending nullity case, then go for a HCP before high court,before all these, change your lawyer, donot continue with a lawyer of dubious nature.  Even in this forum also people will be enticing you to contact them so that they will solve your problem, do not believe them, they will eat your money and escape, better be careful while handling the people who reply to your queries who in the name of giving solace will ruin your life.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     13 November 2014

agreed with Mr.Chandrasekar.  But There can be hardly any use advising you.  You have no courage.

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