Thank you sir. My case came up for hearing yesterday ,March 26th 2014 and i couldn't make it because of ill-health. Today when i went to the consumer forum to check the status of my case, the bench clerk told me to get the same from case diary. The status of the case in the case diary reads as below: -
"Complainant called absent. No representation. The counsel for the OP filed. Written version without issuing notice to the complainant stating that on the previous adjournment the complainant refused to receive notice stating that, Unless he go through the written version. He won’t receive notice. Today the counsel for the OP also ready to file written version. Today the complainant called absent and the complainant is also not present to receive the costs. In view of the above reason receive the written version of OP matter is posted 17/04/2014For filing chief affidavits by both parties. OP’s 2 and 3 filed memo adopting the written version of OP1. Memo allowed. "
First of all i never told the counsel for opposite parties (OP) that i refuse to accept the notice without going through it. In fact in the last adjournment held on Mar 20th 2014, the honorable consumer forum itself didn't accept the written version filed by the OP counsel as the same was not filed along with affidavit. The status of the case as on Mar 20th 2014 reads as "No costs paid, written version not filed, At request, Call on Mar 26th 2014"
I couldn't understand what the honorable consumer forum is trying to convey from the case status as on Mar 26th 2014. Could you please help in understanding what the above case status (Mar 26th 2014) mean.
Does it mean the counsel for OP filed their written version in the court?
Does it mean the counsel for OP is ready to file their written version but hasn't filed?
Does it mean that the matter pertaining to receiving written version has been posted to Apr 14th 2014?
Can the honorable consumer forum direct the complainant and OP to file chief affidavit when the matter related to written version is not yet sorted out?
Does it mean i am not going to get the written notice and i have to proceed with chief affidavit?
Unfortunately the bench clerk in the consumer forum is of no help. When i put the above questions to him, he told me he too don't know and it's all written in the case diary. Wondering what should i file when the case comes up for next hearing on Apr 17th 2014.
Last but not least, is the complainant supposed to accept the written notice from OP counsel when the same was not accepted by the honorable forum for not filing an affidavit along with the written version?
thanks for your time in advance.
Originally posted by : Shivesh Sinhar
Dear Mr. Rajesh Reddy,
I am happy to note that my response has answered your query with regard to Filling Counter in your DCF case.
It would be pleasure for me to extend any further assistance / advise in the matter, involved so far with the said DCF case filed by you, as & when required by you through without any fees or charges.
Feel free to raise your doubt before, which would be addressed no sooner at had. Thaks,
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