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Samir N (General Queries) (Business)     23 August 2013

Filing cross-appeal from dv judgment


I have been representing myself and have won consistently in all Courts in MM and Family Courts. Recently I won in  a DV case where the Magistrate dismissed the case on grounds that there was no Domestic Relationship, based on a case that I had cited myself. However, I had filed a Misc. application which was ruled against me. My ex-wife has filed an appeal. I want to file a cross-appeal. Just about 15 days back, in the hearing on the misc. application, my ex-wife's advocate stated in Court that his appeal has been admitted and referenced some number and claimed that the entire record of the proceeding was asked by the Session Court. I was not even served the appeal papers. Is this possible? Or is it just a procedural first-step of no significance?

The next question that I have is how do I file a cross-appeal? At what stage? And I presume that there is a CrPC section for that (I will look into it online).  Any help in this area will be sincerely appreciated.

I have accumulated a significant amount of knowledge in DV cases. I would be very willing to help any person interested in fighting DV cases. 


 4 Replies

dv (ghvhb)     23 August 2013

Can u pm me your contact number

Ramesh (student)     23 August 2013

Dear sir,

It will be helpful for others who are contesting the case and therefore disclosure or publishing the case is necessary as a guiding factor.

However if not possible kindly display your mail to contact or cell no.

Further it is a fundamental right  of any litigant to file appeal against his unfavourable judgment so you will also be a party apart from the concern state.Contest the  case in consultation with the APP



janak r mehta (partner)     23 August 2013

Dear Samir..i m from wife has threatened me for dv case..kindly advice me what should i do to save me and my family from that false dv case send me the details,info,notifications and circulaers whatever you have regarding false dv email id is :

NRI Legal Consulting (Consultant)     29 August 2013

Dear Sir,

     Don't bother you should talk to your wife why she  is threatening you for dv case.If your are right then she can not take a case against you for harresment.

      for more detail send query

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