Dear members,
Request your kind guidance,
Just yesterday, i came to know through my lawyer, that my wife has filed HMA 24.
The scenario until yesterday was:
She filed RCR at her place( state X)
I filed Divorce ( in my state A)
She filed application for interim and final maintainance at her place (State X)
i have yet to file my say for RCR
I had my counselling done for 125 interim , next date is scheduled in June 2013
now suddenly she has applied for HMA 24
My question is:
1)Can she ride on two horses? (sec 125 interim and HMA 24)
2)when sec 125 case is already going on at counselling stage, then is it right to also file a HMA 24 application?
3)What is the advantage to her to file two different application for the same relief? the application under HMA 24 is the xerox copy of sec 125 interim application, there are absolutely no changes in both the formats. then how can same relief be asked in two different sections?
4) she is able bodied, having two degrees B.Com and Mcom, but dileberitely sitting at her mothers home, doing nothing. i am just a bcom graduate, I dont know where she is working at the moment, or where she has worked in the past, as i dont have any clue whatsoever,as she is from another state.
5) i intend to file a RTI to the EPFO office to get her account number and then trace the employer, past and present, as she claims that she has never worked anywhere and doesnt have any prior work experience,and she is dying of hunger!! as her husband has neglected her, and hence she has filed RCR. my question is : would filing or RTI application be useful to the EPFO office and ask for specific information of her, as it happens to be a third party. and would this in anyway affect my case
5) she has not yet filed her say in the divorce case filed by me in my state, nine months have passed. she has filed HMA 24 in her state. should i go ahead and tell my lawyer to apply for a 'no say' order, when a ' no say' order is passed, what happens in such a scenario?
I would indeed be grateful to you if you can kindly guide me, i need to defend this weapon of legal terrorism given to women, she is trying to use 3 weapons on me to extract money from me, RCR, 125 and now HMA 24.
Please Help!!!!!