Here are couple of options, choose one or try all;
1. Approach District Court Mediation Center and present your briefs. They will send Notice to call your Husband and mediate to diffuse the situation but what that could be ! [They cannot tell him to leave his bi- mother]
2. Approach a seasoned woman sympatric / woman oriented cases handling Advocate via reference / LCI lawyer search and file a case of Maintenance u/s 125 CrPC in Family Court. The first process of Family Court is “re-conciliation” Probably via that you may chain him. [But still Family Court cannot tell him to leave his bi-mother]
3. Pack your stridhan and leave him and live at natal home with minor child. Marriage is on papers and due course he will come to you for patch-up. Tell him to leave his mother! [But still he will not leave his bi-mother]
4. Through your calm upper mind instead of reconciliation / court procedures politely beg him to take a separate home near to his parents place and give him freedom to visit / look after his mother and divide his time with you and child too. No court involved / no advocate hired / no Authorities representing into private affairs of couples thus your marriage is saved. Daily you and your child will not be in contact with Bi-MIL I mean that is the query is all about ! [This he will think of opting if half rent you share from your pocket or half rent contribution from natal home accordingly after all happy marriage is like giving and taking responsibilities equally is it not J]
5. Lastly opt for Mutual Consent Divorce with drawing MoU terms and conditions with no alimony to you but reasonable maintenance for child till she becomes major along with her educational / marriage expenses taken care by him read with child custody with you and visitation mutually agreed given to him / his side of family [Start a new life as Bi-polar is not going to go off overnight with social pills / no alimony to you bze I assumed you are working even if not working then you should take half responsibility to break matrimony which is “just” right path ahead as no relationships comes with foolproof WARANTEE from hell - heaven on Earth]
lastly suggested to take a deep breadth and think of next 2 - 5 - 7 - 10 - 14 years and pick any one para and or try all above 5 paras and if you reasonably thing I left 6th. / 7th. / 8th. so on so forth here then do educate public readers.