My father has purchased a flat in Kolkata. He made a lawyer evaluate the papers provided by the contractor and went on with the deal. But things did not turn out as expected.
1. We were not given CC and OC as the land owner(who has 2 apartments in the property changed the design of the terrace, so the contractor did not get approval)
2. We talked to the land owner who is creating lot of problems.
- For example, he is changing locks to the gates so that no one can enter without asking him.
- He has forcefully given a name to the apartment without taking our opinion.
- He could apply for CC but he said he will do that if we sign a document that accepts that he is the landlord.
3. We are not paying maintanance in this apartment due to the behavior of this person. So he has given a informal notice saying if we don't pay maintenance he will take legal step.
I just want to achieve the CC and OC certificates and reach a point so that we can sell off the property. Can you all give your kind opinion what should we do?