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Lord Krsna (Student)     24 January 2011

Food Poison - Divorce

A, the wife of B, administered love poison to be with an idea that B would become a henpecked husband. B suffered from food poisoning and thereafter he sought divorce from A under the ground of Cruelty, Discuss

Whether B would get divorce under Cruelty.

Evidence :

  1. Husband caught her red haddedly while mixing the slow poison on daily food.  85% of slow poison packets already utilised and the balance poision packets is available for evidence
  2. Husband collected a letter with above facts therafter she was handed over to her parents without any physical abuse. After the incident, she was away from  matrimonial home and it is almost 3 years  now.

She is denied to give a divorce.

Kindly advise legal points in order to obtain divorce asap

 10 Replies

Suchitra. S (Advocate)     24 January 2011

Lord Krsna ji, 

Is it a moot problem given to you?

Please work on it on the lines of grounds available for divorce. You will come to know if the husband can ask for divorce. 

We are here to guide you, if you confront any problem. But please do not expect ready made answers  being a student.

Lord Krsna (Student)     24 January 2011

Thanks Madam.

The above case is one of our clients problem and same is under the trail.

Kindly explain, how to advise my client on the above grounds


LLB, 2nd year 

Lord Krsna (Student)     24 January 2011

Dear Forum members,

Kindly provide case law jugement reference if any, for the above cruelty case


Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     24 January 2011

give the name of poison

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     24 January 2011


@ Author

1. You stated the so called "poison" as "love poison" what on Indian mythology times is that between a husband and a wife?

2. Well on a side dish, I have a question for you now;

If a wife 'lovingly' adds extra table spoons of ghee (clarified butter) in alu ka parathas for her husband's breakfast expecting him to praise her culinerary skills and be more loving to her, however, with that addition of extra 2-3 table spoon of clarified butter the husband that day gets some fat around his ‘love handle’ then the question is to you is; is it "cruelty" of wife to her husband?
My understanding of what happened behind closed door in between a husband and wife is that NO.
Reasoning: In a family law case “pre-ponderance of possibilities of what could have happened behind closed door between couple” are mostly infrenced by a Civil Judge and not 'absolute proof' as in a criminal family court of Law. So the moot answer is that husband could have walked extra miles that day to burn that extra calories - does not husbands stay in shape to impress upon their wives :-) so where is the que. of feeding 'love poison" into husbands food that also 85%  of it as you say and husband getting "food poisoned
Here you mean to indirectly say he got really henpecked is what prudent mind will infrence upon so unless the multi pages of core Judgment that Ms. Avnish stashed away says so I donot see any element of success in this moot (rightly pointed by Suchitra) to a moot court Q&A raised here.

So I may wait just like you for Ms. Avnish to pop up some judgment similar on facts on your lines and get enlightened on the go.........


2 Like


Love marriage' came into existence but is not going to survive, for the simple reason that love comes, happens, and one day suddenly goes.

It was not in your hands to bring it; neither is it in your hands to keep it.

The old marriage failed because the insistence was that you should love your wife, you should love your husband. It was a `should'. And you could not even conceive how you could love; at the most you could pretend, you could act. But love is not a pretension, is not an acting. You cannot do anything. You are absolutely powerless as far as love is concerned. The old marriage failed.

The new marriage is failing because the new marriage is simply a reaction to the old marriage. It is not out of understanding, but only out of reaction, revolt -- `love marriage.' You don't know what love is. You simply see some beautiful face, you see some beautiful body and you think, "My God, I am in love!" This love is not going to last, because after two days, seeing the same face for twenty-four hours a day, you will get bored. The same body... you have explored the whole topography; now there is nothing to explore. Exploring the same geography again and again, you feel like an idiot. What is the point? This love affair, this love marriage is failing, it has already failed. The reason is that you don't know how to wait so that love can happen.            -----OSHO

Too much love position from wife side giving husband vomiting as he defines as cruelty 

so too much love position is equal to cruelty for husband side.

Bichara itna love position se husband ko diabetes ho jayega aur ek din vo mar hi jayegana !!


very good thoughts by tajobindia as he said,"If a wife 'lovingly' adds extra table spoons of ghee (clarified butter) in alu ka parathas for her husband's breakfast expecting him to praise her culinerary skills and be more loving to her, however, with that addition of extra 2-3 table spoon of clarified butter the husband that day gets some fat around his ‘love handle’ then the question is to you is; is it "cruelty" of wife to her husband?"

1 Like


Very well said @ Times job india and @ kushan vyas sir. 

Some thoughtful and honest  & non biased posts.  good work

Mallik Karra (Done with AIBE)     25 January 2011

Dear Krsna,


find attached.... might be of some help.

Attached File : 7 7 cruelty.pdf downloaded: 208 times

Jamai Of Law (propra)     25 January 2011

LLB, 2nd year ...................


Case in regards to one of your client's problem .......................and same is under the trail (Opps!)


And you want to advise your client (either A or B) on the above grounds



Beta....koun se college mein padhate ho aap!!!

Ambika (NA)     30 January 2011

and By the way what is Love Poison? And where is it sold? Definitely the way yu have expressed it it is not a matter of overdose of butter, and Ghee. And yes, how a student can have a client????

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