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Rohit Shukla   30 May 2018

For writ petition in high court

Respected sir,
I want to know can I file writ petition in delhi high court if the police officers of the state no providing rti information under rti act,2005.
and also taking investigation process of possession complain by someone on me.
The complainant does not mention their address as well as mobile no. in complain.
After filling the rti to officer incharge who taking investigation reply with false information after that I file first appeal under rti act,2005. but there is no reply by concern CPIO afer 50 days.
Is the police have the power to investigate possession of the land or it is the power of Executive magistrate of the area.
So,please help me how can approach to the Hon'ble high court for the violation of my fundamental right.
Can I file writ of quo warranto in delhi high court.

Thank you

 2 Replies

Adv Deepak Joshi +917017821512 (Advocate)     30 May 2018

As RTI Act 2005, if PIO/CPIO does not provide information in 30 days, then you can file first appeal to the First appellate authority, if within days 60 days no reply from First appellate authority, then you can file 2nd appeal if that is not heard or you are not satisfied with information then you may go to High court.

Siddharth Jain   31 May 2018

filing a writ of mandamus would be more helpful.
also file for quashing of the criminal proceeding against you.
you can contact me at


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