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Tapashree Kalita   01 May 2020

Forced Marriage Papers

I had a relationship that lasted for 1.5 years (2016-2017). Though nice in the beginning it turned abusive slowly.Forced to sign the marriage papers out of scare I later decided to walk out.I am not in any contact with him since then.Now I am in a healthy relationship and shall get married soon.I have informed my past about the same.Though his language was quite abusive but he didn't try to contact me at all since then.Will my previous papers become a trouble in the court?I don't want to contact my past again.

 4 Replies

Adv Rohit Dalmia 9324538481 (Lawyer)     01 May 2020

Hello Tapashree!

If you have done registered marriage under threat and coercive. then you should have filed a case at Family Court within 1 year fro mthe date of getting free from that threat so as to declare the marriage as null and viod. This would save you from seeking divorce which is a long and lenghty process.


You need to prove the threat and its existance which forced you to marry with that person.

Act fast so that you will not have any problem in the future. you may look into this video for some guidance.



Adv. Rohit Dalmia


P. Venu (Advocate)     01 May 2020

What were those papers. Had you just signed them or executed them before the Registrar in presence of witnesses? Was any ceremony perfprmed and photographs taken?

SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate)     01 May 2020

Dear querist,

You can file divorce application against him if you have any apprehension in your mind.



Shashi Dhara   01 May 2020

You have not mentioned that you have signed it or not.registered it or not.if your new relation ship knows it what is his opinion. He neglects it or not.confirm it.any how be careful and take family court advocates opinion.

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