2 of my proceeds division source employye force me to buy and write a stamp paer that i got 60,60 thousand from them for job.If i fire them from company i have to pay them this money and also salary.
Please suggest me what i do?
pankaj kumar sharma (branch head) 09 February 2013
2 of my proceeds division source employye force me to buy and write a stamp paer that i got 60,60 thousand from them for job.If i fire them from company i have to pay them this money and also salary.
Please suggest me what i do?
Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/ nadeemqureshi1@gmail.com) 09 February 2013
Dear Pankaj
if it is true then no need to worry about if, you should filed a complaint against both of them before police if police is not ready then file a criminal complaint against them before court u/s 190 of Crpcr/w 200 or 156 (3) of Cr.PC
Rahul Kapoor (Legal Enthusiast) 10 February 2013
first of all you must complain(NCR) to police\