First of all Determine:
What is this healthcare establishment: Private,Govt etc?
You are employeed direct with it or thru a Contractor? If yes who is the Principle Employer also: Private,Govt etc?
Then determine both Contractor and Principle Employer are:
Coverd by which Act say: State Shops and Estabs Act
You are located in which state?
Your reporting office is located in which state? The Redg. office is located in which state?
How many person are employed in your employer? Does standing Orders (certified?model) apply to it?
Whats is your designation and nature of duties?
Is your establishment and your designation coverd under 'Essential Services'?
Has your company been coverd by national holiday Act etc............?
Has it issued list of holidays?
Are you a member of employee's/trade unions?
Once you have determined approach your union leaders and Inspector appointed under the Act and inquire.
There should be a provision of OT,compensatory off.