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Ramesh (Manager)     13 March 2010

Foregin Hindu National

Both parties are Hindu and US citizen and came to India to get married according to Hindu marriage and went back to their domiciled country after 4 days completion of marriage .Didn’t register the marriage in India and didn’t sign any legal documents. Girl's family has filed false case of dowry and domestic violence against husband family in India when she went for 2 weeks and is now back in US working in her job & her mother is purusing the case whose also US citizen and is in India on tourist visa ? Police has sent husband parents notice who dont even known the girl well as she lived with them in India fro 4 days ? What can the family do as this total injustice ? Is this jurisdiction valid as the girl & boy both reside and US and are not Indian citizen and having me livivng 10 years and their home is US. What can the parents do and the boy who is US and has been falsely harrased for money?

 5 Replies

Swami Sadashiva Brahmendra Sar (Nil)     13 March 2010

They can file a writ petition  before the high court .

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     13 March 2010

I agree with Dr.Tripathi

Ramesh (Manager)     14 March 2010

What should the family do as all the accusations are false and baseless , to dupe money ?

The girl was livivng seprately after marriage in India when she went to  US and any greviances she had should in last 15 months should be followed in jurisdiction where she is domiciled already laws are very strict in US 

We just came to India after 4 years on tourist visa just to do hindu ceremony and left.

Please advise a remedy as this injustice and baseless allegations how would anyone even investigate or prove when we didnt even reside in India after and before marriage ?

Ramesh (Manager)     15 March 2010

So what would police do now as it's a false complaint for dowry ? There's no evidence to prove we ever asked or got anything from them and also it was love marriage between girl and boy parents were not even there when engagement took place in US spouses came for the hindu ceremony only and left in 4 days.

We both did our schooling in India and came here in 1999 and dint known each other met here in 2008

So what should parents of the boy do now  ? please advise

Kamal Grover (Advocate High Court Chandigarh M:09814110005     15 March 2010

Dear Ramesh,

First of all send us the location of FIR registered by police.

Then tell us the detail about marriage.

You can hire an effecient lawyer in India who will defend and help you to quash / close this case.
If you will not persue this case then you may be in trouble, coz court itself will never came to know about the real facts.


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