Kapil Dev 09 August 2017
G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.) 09 August 2017
First search in google with key words: "Education consultancy services for abroad education in Kerala Governmetn directives.
Then file RTI Application to concerned Public authority, and seek information from competent authority with single sentence query as follows:
Information solicited:
1)Please provide a copy of Orders/notifications/directives for opening a branch for abroad educational consultancy in Kerala state.
It is always proper to find out through link in or through google and have liaison service with local expert, as it is very diffficult to operate such a center in a language not known to you, and they respect their language and their own people more.
P. Venu (Advocate) 09 August 2017
Why this query when you are already having branches in North India and you should be familiar with the procedures?
Kapil Dev 09 August 2017