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Sachdeva (others)     19 October 2009

Format for cancellation of Bail under certain Circumstances

As I earlier posted, I want to explain the circumstances under which I want to cancel the Regular Bail granted to the Accused. Now the status of the case is that (1) Out on bail on Forgery case (FIR),  the Accused filed three Writ Petition against the Petitioner; (2) In connivance with Court staff the Accused was able to disappear the Original Documents  both afrom High Court and Sesasion Court, which are pivatol of the Forgery Case; (3) Made another attempt to forge the signatures to escape from the present case; (4) In collaboration with the police made delay of the case for the last three years. Under these circumstances what CCP should be used  and the format of the calcellation of bail  Application to be filed before the Magistrate  is needed. Some good Samaritans may kindly help me so that my lawyer or whether Myself as Petitioner could file this case before the Magistrate.


 1 Replies

bhupender sharma (advocate)     01 November 2009

 Mr. Sachdeva , fIrst u have to mention the contents of the writ petition what he has stated therein. an petition for cancellation of the regular granted by the court concerned may be filed under section 439(2) of the Code of procedure. U may also made the complaint against the concerned ahelmed / the who used to maintain the court records and under whose custody the court had kept the record for safe custody. take a certified copy of the documents upon which he had attempted to forged the signature and sent it to handwriting expert or seek an opinion of the expert and then file petition for cancellation of the bail.    Bhupender Sharma(Adv.)  

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