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gupta   13 October 2016

Fraud - rent agreement


I have a flat in delhi and is registerned under my name.I was not in india when my husband rented the property showing him as an owner to a person.He took the security and also taking monthly rent from the tenant.The rent agreement created by him has an year agreement and one month notice period and is offcourse not court agreement..

I called up the tenant to vacate the house but he hung up the phone on me and said that he would not be vacating the house.

Please advice if i can take any legal action against him and if there is any way to get rid of the tenant.






 6 Replies

Sood   13 October 2016

Hi nidhi, If you donot have any problem to make ur husband any party u can press criminal charges on both ur husband and tenant. Other wise file eviction petition and u can earn ur flat back within 2 or 3 years. For further xontact me. Rgds Adv.sood



You may file a complaint against the Husband and Tenant. Further you may also file a suit for eviction.

Rit Arora

adv.bharat @ PUNE (Lawyer)     13 October 2016

File eviction suit.

gupta   13 October 2016

i dont want to get in a legal battle with my husband ... its just that i want to get rid of the tenant because once i am back in india i want to stay in that flat .. because that is the only home where i can live without my husband 

Also , as i am currently not in india is it possible to take any of the above actions?

thanks everyone for your timely reply


Sood   14 October 2016

Write application to the nri cell. They will help you to evict tenant immediately if you sufficiently prove to them they are living in ur flat against ur will and u donot have tenant landlord reltion.


yes you may do that. Send a power of attorney to your lawyer. he will do the needful

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