Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy) 09 October 2010
Dr D.K.V.Gangatharan (Advocate) 16 October 2010
Dear Friend,
As you have correctly said " in law firms, whatever you do is indeed a whole new experience in itself"
Whatever you choose to do, if you are enthusiastic about it, you are successful and prosperous. There is nothing
under the Sun which is not bound by Law. Your legal knowlege without a chance to use it is a source of
tantalization than your development. - Dr Ganga
This all is true .. Now I am also facing the same problem... Whether the carrier in law or 9 to 5 job in other field...
Democratic Indian (n/a) 21 October 2010
Ladies & Gentlemen, if you could please tell the following, if anyone among you knows :
1) What is the duration of working hours in LPO? How many work days in week, 5 or 6 or 7?
2) Do they have normal day shifts or night shifts/rotating shifts?
3) What is the approximate salary for a fresher in LPO?
4) Do they recruit people with law degrees/diplomas done by correspondence(not recognised by BCI)?
Abhinav (Associate) 31 December 2010
As a result of the high litigation costs and fees to law firms or attorneys, legal outsourcing firms in India have become a new practical choice for both multinational clients and job-seekers alike. It has been seen that outsourcing in any sector (IT, law etc.) starts with lower-end work. But, this trend is currently changing and more clients are seeking high-end specialized services too in all sectors of the LPO industry. The LPO sector shall continue to grow, going by the current shift in the demands of the market. The legal outsourcing industry is still new and has not fully developed. We have very few offshore legal service providers that provide specialized high end legal services. Once this trend of specialized high-end legal outsourcing gains more pace, greater amount and variety of legal work will be outsourced.
SDD Global Solutions
Sree (na) 07 May 2012
Knowledgewise and experiencewise, yes it is lawfirm. But lawfirms in India, especially for the fresh graduates, is really very pathetic. The kind of pay, way of enocouragement, internal politics!!!!!!
LPO on the otherhand, may not be core legal sector like LPOs, but atleast the candidate can dpend on himself for living, unlike paying in lawfirms, especially in bangalore, is 1000, 2000/- 3000/- permonth!!!!!!! can't even live with low level standards!!!!! some law firms do pay atleast to some average say 6k pm to 10k. But majority, god must understand..... but LPOs they do pay good compare to the law firms, career hopes, atleast you will know where youstand in near future and depend on yourself for living......
Both, had its own advantages and disadbantages, but i suggest, better opt LPOs, make some money for living and then take your time for law practice in law firms, atleast then the firms are bound to pay some good pay based on your experience......
Sree (na) 07 May 2012
And many say, hardwork surely fetch, sure I totally agree, but when??????? How far and how good. sure, if they have legal family background or a support but the ones who are supposed to srabd up create a support for future!!!! Not in the present day world.....