Plz Help...i am currently in litigation with a bank where my former partner together with some unscrupulous bank employee forged my signatures on certain loan documents after the dissolution of the partner ship and after he took over the loan liability in the dissolution deed .The forged documents were executed after three years of the dissolution. The signatures were disputed by me and after the intervention of high court were ordered to be sent for comparison to a forensic lab through the trial court. But I was astonished to find that the report says that the signatures match with my signatures on the other documents executed 3 yrs back. But I know that i never executed those docs for sure I know the report is absolutely false. I consulted two document examiners who retired from high posts in FSLs and two govt examiners from other labs(who could not believe the report but say they cannot help me in court )also say that the signatures are forged and may be the expert who submitted the report was bought over or influenced by the rich opposing party.
Now what is the course open to me ,My lawyer says he doesnt know what to do.How can I prove that my signatures r forged .how can I secure a second opinion govt or otherwise and convince the court that was initially also reluctant to send the docs for comparison.Please help me out .I am going down if the crooks have their way..I swear that the signatures r forged .............