For those who are employed as the standing counsell of any PSU/Private Bank and those defence pensioner who have been wronged by the PDA PSU/Private Banks on the issue of alleged over payments this circular No 141 issued by PCDA (Pensions) will certainly be of use. In my case a PDA bank namely BOI RK PURAM Br informed me in Aug 2013 that I was paid a Rs 15 Lacs twice against my DCG,Commutation & Disability commutation in Mar/May 2010. probably due to phishing attack on my pension acct. Whatever that may be I found no such twice payments in my pass books. They asked me to return the sum WITH INTEREST.I asked them to involve PCDA , the competent auth. But they forced closed all my FDRs held with them ( valued at appx 19 Lacs and appropriate the money. I took the case with BO Hyd which is sooooo bakers friendly that it disposed off my complaint under clause 8 &9 (3) of the BO Rules 2006 and informed the banker only. When asked for a copy of the order it disposed of the same complaint under Clause 11 of the said Rule s and also debarred me filing any appeal to Dy Gov RBI. PCDA Allahabad was evasive till I filed a RTI enquiry. It is revealed that the PDA bank had not considered at least one PPO issued by them It will change the payable/paid statement prepared and supposedly audited by a private CA of ill repute.
The circular No 141 is for info of the experts who are always seen on the side of the friendly bankers.