22 August 2018
kirti kabra 23 August 2018
It depends, if your father has purchased the joint property in his name and with his own funds individually , the property is said to be transfered to him under his own name and can be called as his own property. 24 August 2018 24 August 2018 24 August 2018
Kumar Doab (FIN) 25 August 2018
It is felt that;
IT may vest back in Title holder say; Grandfather as per your query, if he is alive
Or in legal heirs of Title holder say; Grandfather, as per provisions of personal law that applies.
The expenses etc should be ideally shared by all that shall benefit.
IT is their personal matter.
Kumar Doab (FIN) 25 August 2018
You may seek, help, guidance from a very able LOCAL counsel that has handled such matters..